Aims and Objectives
The Alpine Club of Pakistan Aims at Achieving the Following:
- Cultivate mountaineering and outdoor culture amongst nature lovers and interested persons, especially youth by providing facilities for climbing, mountaineering, and mountain-related activities.
- Promote and organize mountaineering expeditions either singly or in collaboration with other mountaineering organizations/clubs/climbers from abroad.
- Organize training in mountaineering, rock, snow/ice climbing, Sports climbing, skiing and trekking, and other Club activities.
- Organize training for liaison officers, high altitude porters, mountain and trekking guides, and other disciplines of mountain-related activities.
- Organize and participate in rock, ice, Sports climbing competitions, skiing, and trekking championships /tournaments, both at home and abroad.
- Organize trekking trips and summer/winter camps for interested youth and club members.
- Facilitate visiting expeditions by providing liaison officers and other required support.
- Advise and provide coordination on mountaineering and mountain-related matters.
- Maintains liaison with governmental, non-governmental, and sister organizations at home and abroad for the promotion of mountain-related activities.
- Represent Pakistan and safeguard its mountaineering and climbing interests at UIAA, UAAA, IFSC, and other international forums.
- Maintain archives, prepare and provide information and data on mountains and mountain-related activities in Pakistan.

Management of the Alpine Club of Pakistan is vested in the Executive Council, which is elected for three years tenure by the Annual General Meeting of the members, held once in a calendar year. It comprises a President, Vice Presidents (4 to 5), Hon Secretary, Treasurer and up to 15 Executive Council members. The Executive Council meets once in three months or earlier, if required, and makes decisions as to the functioning and activities of the Club.
- Chief of Army Staff
- Chief of Naval Staff
- Chief of Air Staff
- Mr. Amir Gulistan Janjua Former Governor N.W.F.P
- Syed Mehdi Shah, Chief Minister, Gilgit Baltistan
Executive Council Committees
- Mountaineering Expeditions
- Training
- Sports Climbing
- Competitions
- Membership, Rules and Regulations, and Affiliations
- Mountain Environments
- Educational institutions, Youth and Women Affairs
- Media and Publication
- Equipment and Stores
Contact Details
Address: Jinnah Stadium, Pakistan Sports Complex, Kashmir Highway (near abpara), Islamabad-Pakistan
Tel: 0092-51-9208963,
Mobile: 0092 333 5383642, 0092 333 5176672
Fax: 0092-51-9244676